Monday, November 23, 2009


Hey everybody,
I hope you have been well and are getting ready for some well-deserved time off for Thanksgiving. I’m writing to you in excitement about one of the CRC’s final events for the year. On Saturday, December 5th from 6-8pm, the CRC will be hosting a Holiday Coat Drive at the Lincoln Room of the Kellogg Center. We want you all to come for some FREE refreshments and live musical performances by various groups, possibly including MSU’s very own RCAHppella vocal ensemble, an MSU jazz ensemble, and a vocalist from Lansing’s Refugee Development Center! All we ask is that you bring a coat to donate to St. Vincent Catholic Charities, a local charity that works to enhance the quality of life for local individuals and families in need. All are welcome, from students, to East Lansing residents, to MSU faculty and administrators, to friends and family. Come help local people in need stay warm this holiday season while having some fun with your friends from the community, and enjoying a free concert.

Hope to see you there!

Go White!
Mike Berkowitz
CRC Intern

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