Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sam Singh Event

Hey everyone!
The semester is edging towards the end, which brings projects, exams, papers, and among all: stress. However, the CRC interns were able to set one night aside and get together at Grand Traverse Pie Company (YUM!) and have a conversation with former mayor, Sam Singh. Each intern was granted the ability to invite one guest from the East Lansing community to join in our discussion. It was an enlightening talk about the challenges of maintaining multiculturalism within the city of East Lansing. Sam Singh has a lot of insight, because he recently returned from a world tour where he traveled to over 25 countries in sixteen months.

We discussed issues such as economic downfalls in East Lansing and Michigan overall, the education system, volunteerism, and Michigan State study abroad programs. Through our conversation, we all were able to discuss specific issues we face in East Lansing and ideas of potential solutions. It seems that this type of open discourse is necessary when dealing with problems of discrimination or inclusion. There also needs to be more of an emphasis on learning about other cultures that surround us either through going abroad, being involved in another type of educational international course, or even participating in some sort of pen pal program. It was really fun to discuss such serious issues that us, as CRC interns, need to strengthen ties within our multicultural community.
The night ended with our stomachs full of pie and our minds stirring with good conversation. It was an honor for Sam Singh to take time out of his life in order to talk with us. It was truly enlightening and one of my favorite CRC events yet!

Have a happy Thanksgiving and if you have any used or new coats, don’t forget to bring them back with you for the Coat Drive this Friday!

Go Green,

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