Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Spartan Spring!

The crazy end of the year is finally upon us again. We are all scrambling to tie up loose ends with final projects and papers. I will be closing out my CRC internship along with my MSU career, which is a lot to swallow. Six of the other interns will also be graduating. This definitely does not mean that us CRC interns have abandoned our mission. We have been working in different group projects this semester.

My project involves a book drive to one of the East Lansing Public Schools, Donley Elementary. They have been participating in a book drive for a couple of years in order to keep the students reading throughout the summer even if they do not have the means to. We will help this year with the drive and end with a final Book Bingo event on Thursday, May 6th from 6- 7:30 p.m. We will be using all of the books that we raised to pass out to the kids as they win games of bingo. There will be pizza and other fun activities for the parents as well as the kids. It should be a fun and effective event. If any of you have books to donate, please do! More information on where to drop off books will be given later.

Another project that is occurring is an Earth Day clean up on Monday, April 4th from 4-7 pm. We will be meeting at the Bailey Community Center. It will be a mixture of student life, involving the Greek Life, and other permanent residents. It will be a wonderful way to interact and make the city of East Lansing a better place to live!

The third group will be participating in a green initiative. On Friday April 23rd, CRC members, and other members from organizations around MSU, will be passing out energy efficient light bulbs to residents in East Lansing. It is a great way to keep pushing efficiency in the city we live in.

Overall, CRC interns are working on some great projects. We will keep you updated on all of the progress made!

Go Green!