Monday, November 16, 2009

Raking Leaves


There is a saying that claims fall is just a second spring and every leaf is like a flower. Well, at the past CRC intern event, the flowers were in bountiful numbers in the form of leaves. A few of us decided it would be a wonderful idea to rake leaves for some elderly in the East Lansing area. We got some addresses and took our rakes on the road.

I have never seen so many leaves before in my life. At one house, all of us were knee deep in leaves. It was ridiculous! The weather luckily held up, so we did not have to deal with muddy and wet leaves. It was a great way to bond with fellow interns while doing something that was helpful. We even had a chance to play in the huge pile of leaves for a bit, which was great! The individuals we met at the houses were very thankful and that made our hard work and sore bones worthwhile. We are throwing around the idea of doing this type of activity with snow removal.

Other than this event, us CRC interns have been working hard on keeping up with our work and school. We will be holding a coat drive on December 5th at the Kellogg Center from 6-8 pm. The clothing will be given to the Refugee Development Center. It should be a great time, more details to come soon. Thanks for reading ☺
Peace be the journey,

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