Thursday, May 5, 2011

End of the Year

First off, we want to thank everyone for all the support that made the CRC so successful! We wouldn't have been able to all that we can if it weren't for our community.

Year in Review:

I remember it like yesterday. It was training week and the interns had just met each other, as well as our supervisor. Little did we know what would happen from that point in time.  It started with training week where we were still learning about one another, and trying to discover what each person can contribute.  It quickly progressed into the late summer where we held Ice Cream Socials in each of the neighborhoods. Before we knew it, it was the fall and we were out on the streets of East Lansing picking up litter, trying to make this a better place to live.  One of our favorite events took place soon after, the Bring Your Own Pumpkin event, where we came together to carve pumpkins and bond as neighbors. Winter rolled around, and the CRC was at its annual post at the Winter Bowl and Chili Cook Off.  Another favorite event was the Free Holiday Photo event, where we had a professional photographer come in and take free pictures for the holidays, and if you wanted, Sparty was there to help beautify your picture!  Spring was upon us and a Free Ice Skating event was held, so we all could come out and enjoy some exercise with neighbors.  Next came the International Coffee Hour, which the CRC helped sponsor. With the year quickly wrapping up, the CRC made its last appearance at a The Marble Elementary School Carnival.

Again, we cannot thank the community enough for all the support we have received.  We are going to take a quick break over the summer, but will be back and ready to go in the fall!


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