Sunday, October 3, 2010

Neighborhood Cleanups

Today we completed the second of our Neighborhood Cleanups for this fall season. The first cleanup was after the Notre Dame game and today's cleanup followed the Wisconsin game -- two Spartan victories, an added bonus. The cleanups have drawn numerous student, some long term residents and the Mayor as well. Mayor Loomis has attended each cleanup to say a few words and show his commitment to the city through service. The cleanups are a great way to build community and show a dedication to the East Lansing community. If you are a student and come out you are saying that not all students neglect cleaning up after themselves while celebrating. If you are a resident who comes to help, you send the message that you care for the community as well and take your role as a citizen seriously. It is easy for some residents to simply say that they do not want to clean up after college students, shirking their responsibility. However, most of the pick up is done by college students who did not make the mess either, but care enough about the community to help clean it up. We want to thank all of the long term residents who recognize this fact and have come out to help with the clean up. Another thank you goes to the students who have done such a great job showing up and cleaning up. If you have missed the clean ups but want to help out and show your commitment to your community (and snack on some free doughnuts) be on the lookout. There will be more clean ups in the future and there is always room for those who want to help.


Volunteers preparing to divide up into groups


Evidence of a job well done!

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