Saturday, September 12, 2009

Move In and the First Two Weeks!

Hi everyone!

I hope Labor Day weekend treated everyone well. The past two weeks have been a whirlwind. With the U-Haul trucks blocking every road, broke students rushing to the bookstores, footballs being tossed in the middle of intersections, and the chants of ‘Go GREEN, GO WHITE’, it seems that the fall semester is full in swing. This means our internship with the CRC has also come into play.

We got the privilege to help create ‘Welcome Bags’ that were filled with informational sheets about the recycling, safety, taxi services, among others. We made over 2,000 bags and then distributed them to individual houses and apartment complexes. It was a great way to interact with the current residents of East Lansing. It was definitely a positive way to start off our year! ☺

All of the interns took extra bags to deliver to our assigned blocks. It made it easier to approach the new residents and explain our purpose. For the most part, I received a very optimistic response. I even got invited to a few tailgates in my neighborhood!
Yesterday, we had the first ice cream social in my neighborhood. I went a couple days ago to hand out flyers. People were generally excited to meet others that lived around them. We lucked out by having ‘ice cream eating’ weather. I got to have some deep, meaningful conversations, known as DMCs in the CRC world, with many of the residents. I was generally surprised by the turnout. There was a perfect mix of permanent residents along with students that were mingling. I think all the other interns enjoyed it as well! Who doesn’t love eating ice cream while chatting it up with new people on a sunny day? No complaints, minus the swarms of mosquitoes! Next week is the Bailey neighborhood ice cream social; I cannot wait to see how it turns out! ☺

That is it for now. Have a great week!

Go Green,
Kanika Suri
CRC Intern

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